Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia osakonna teadlastelt viimastel aastatel ilmunud teadusartiklid on toodud allpool.
Vinn O. (2024). Potential incompatibility of inherited behavior patterns with civilization: Implications for Fermi paradox. Science Progress, 107(3). DOI:10.1177/00368504241272491
Paiste, K., Fike, D. A., Mayika, K. B. et al (2024). Sulfur isotopes from the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Basin record multigenerational pyrite formation, not depositional conditions. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 328. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01498-1.
Meidla, Tõnu; Ainsaar, Leho; Hints, Olle (2023). About the Ordovician System in Estonia. In: Hints, O. and Toom, U. (Ed.). ISOS-14 Field Guide The Ordovician of Estonia. (9−14). 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System, Estonia, July 2023. Tallinn: TalTech, University of Tartu, Geological Survey of Estonia.
Ainsaar, L.; Meidla, T. (2023). Age of the Ordovician sedimentary succession in Lumparn Bay, Åland Islands, Finland. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 118. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2023.01.
Meidla, Tõnu (2023). Diversity patterns and sources of bias: case of Ordovician ostracods of Baltoscandia. Spotlight talk. 4th Palaeontological Virtual Congress. Book of Abstracts. Palaeontology in the virtual era: 4th Palaeontological Virtual Congress, May 8–22nd, 2023,. Ed. Vlachos, E., Crespo, V. D., Ibañez, M. R., Arnal, F. E. M., Gamonal, A., Cruzado-Caballero, P., González-Dionis, J., Guerrero-Arenas, R. and Sánchez-García, A. Palaeontological Virtual Congress, 65−65.
Paiste, Tõnn; Männik, Peep; Meidla, Tõnu (2023). Emended Sandbian (Ordovician) conodont biostratigraphy in Baltoscandia and a new species of Amorphognathus. Geological Magazine, 160 (3), 411−427. DOI: 10.1017/S0016756822001005.
Servais, T.; Harper, D. A.; Meidla, T. (2023). Foreword. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 5. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2023.82.
Meidla, Tõnu (2023). Geology of Estonia: An introduction. In: Hints, O. and Toom, U. (Ed.). ISOS-14 Field Guide: The Ordovician of Estonia.. (5−8). 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System, Estonia, July 2023 Pre-conference Field Excursion: The Ordovician of Estonia. Tallinn: Taltech, University of Tartu and Geological Survey of Estonia.
Hints, O.; Aren, M.; Hang, T.; Kaljo, D.; Kirs, J.; Marandi, A.; Meidla, T.; Männik, P.; Nirgi, S.; Ploom, K.; Sibul, I.; Soesoo, A. (2023). Geoloogiline ajaskaala 2023. (1−1). Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon. DOI: 10.23679/1028.
Gul, Bilal; Ainsaar, Leho; Meidla, Tõnu (2023). High resolution carbon and oxygen isotopes of the Early Ordovician-Late Silurian of the Baltica: Implications for palaeoenvironmental changes and palaeotemperature trends. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 55: GSA Connects 2023 Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Geological Society of America, 105-3. (6). DOI: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-389596.
Radzevicius, Sigitas; Stankevic, Robertas; Budginas, Rimvydas; Cichon-Pupienis, Anna; Venckute-Aleksiene, Agne; Meidla, Tonu; Ainsaar, Leho; Spiridonov, Andrej (2023). Integrated stratigraphy of the Ludlow (Silurian) of the Baubliai-2 core (western Lithuania) and the record of δ18O and δ13C climatically driven co-variability. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 56 (1), 75−88. DOI: 10.1127/nos/2022/0712.
Meidla, T; Ainsaar, L.; Hints, O.; Radzevičius, S. (2023). Ordovician of the eastern Baltic Palaeobasin and the Tornquist Sea Margin of Baltica. Geological Society London Special Publications, 532 (1), 317−343. DOI: 10.1144/SP532-2022-141.
Hints, Olle; Ainsaar, Leho; Lepland, Aivo; Liiv, Merlin; Männik, Peep; Meidla, Tõnu; Nõlvak, Jaak; Radzevičius, Sigitas (2023). Paired carbon isotope chemostratigraphy across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in central East Baltic: Regional and global signatures. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 624, 111640. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111640.
Meidla, T; Ainsaar, L; Hints, O; Radzevičius, S; (2023). Recent advances in the Ordovician stratigraphy of the Baltic Palaeobasin and Tornquist margin of Baltica. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 149. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2023.54.
Meidla, T.; Hints, O.; Ainsaar, L. (2023). Searching for the Ordovician–Silurian boundary in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 70−73. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2023.53.
Hints, Olle; Ainsaar, Leho; Meidla, Tõnu; Nõlvak, Jaak; Toom, Ursula (2023). Stop 8: Reinu quarry. In: ISOS-14 Field Guide The Ordovician of Estonia. (49−54). 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System, Estonia, July 2023. Tallinn: TalTech, University of Tartu, Geological Survey of Estonia.
Servais, T.; Meidla, T.; Harper, D. A. (2023). The Ordovician System: From overlapping unit stratotypes to Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 131. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2023.75.
Paiste, T.; Stouge, S.; Männik, P.; Meidla, T. (2023). Towards a revised Sandbian conodont biozonation of Baltica. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 153. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2023.07.
Vind, J.; Ofili, S.; Mänd, K.; Soesoo, A.; Kirsimäe, K. (2023). Redox-sensitive trace metal hyper-enrichment in Tremadocian Alum Shale (graptolite argillite) in northwestern Estonia, Baltic Palaeobasin. Chemical Geology, 640.
Männik, Magdaleena; Karro, Enn (2023). Application of Modified DRASTIC Method for the Assessment and Validation of Confined Aquifer Vulnerability in Areas with Diverse Quaternary Deposits. Water, 15 (20), 3585. DOI: 10.3390/w15203585.
Männik, Magdaleena; Karro, Enn; Marandi, Andres; Polikarpus, Maile; Ani, Tavo; Rosentau, Alar (2023). Modified DRASTIC method for groundwater vulnerability assessment in areas with diverse Quaternary deposits. Hydrology Research, 54 (7), 840−854. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2023.009.
Kohv, M., Paat, R., Lõhmus, A., Jõeleht, A. (2023). Underground mining magnifies drought impacts in an adjacent protected raised bog. Ecohydrology, 16 (8), e2594. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2594.
Runnel, K., Tamm, H., Kohv, M., Pent, M., Vellak, K., Lodjak, J., Lõhmus, A. (2023). Short-term responses of the soil microbiome and its environment indicate an uncertain future of restored peatland forest. Journal of Environmental Management, 345, 118879.
Tampuu, T., Praks, J., De Zan, F., Kohv, M., Kull, A. (2023). Relationship between ground levelling measurements and radar satellite interferometric estimates of bog breathing in ombrotrophic northern bogs. Mires and Peat, 29, 17. DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2022.OMB.Sc.1999815.
Hietala, S.; Henkel, H.; Plado, J. (2023). Petrographic studies and mineralogical characterization of the Dellen impactites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58 (4), 480−500. DOI: 10.1111/maps.13967.
Hietala, S.; Jokinen, J.; Lerssi, J.; Niskanen, M.; Pesonen, L.J.; Plado, J. (2023). Summanen structure: Further geological and geophysical evidence of a meteorite impact event in Central Finland. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58, 1002−1017. DOI: 10.1111/maps.14033.
Harper, David A. T.; Meidla, Tõnu; Servais, Thomas (2022). A short history of the Ordovician System: From overlapping unit stratotypes to Global Stratotype Sections and Points. Geological Society London Special Publications, 532 (1), 1−27. DOI: 10.1144/SP532-2022-285.
Guitor, S.; Meidla, T. (2022). Changes in the morphology of Late Ordovician ostracods along the shelf-to-basin transect of the Baltic Palaeobasin. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 71 (3), 157−175. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2022.11.
Rinkevičiūtė, S.; Stankevič, R.; Radzevičius, S.; Meidla, T.; Garbaras, A.; Spiridonov, A. (2022). Dynamics of ostracod communities throughout the Mulde/lundgreni event: contrasting patterns of species richness and paleocommunity compositional change. Journal of the Geological Society, 179 (1), jgs2021-039. DOI: 10.1144/jgs2021-039.
Paiste, Tõnn; Männik, Peep; Meidla, Tõnu (2022). Sandbian (Late Ordovician) conodonts in Estonia: distribution and biostratigraphy. GFF, 144 (1), 9−23. DOI: 10.1080/11035897.2021.2020333.
Gonçalves, Lívio Reily de Oliveira; Do Carmo, Dermeval Aparecido; Salas, Maria José; Adôrno, Rodrigo Rodrigues; Meidla, Tõnu; Denezine, Matheus; Rodrigues, Lívia Cardoso da Silva; Assine, Mario Luis; Antonietto, Lucas Silveira (2022). The first record of Hirnantian Ostracoda in South America: implications for the biostratigraphy and paleozoogeography of the Paraná basin. Journal of Paleontology, 96 (2), 323−333. DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2021.87.
Paiste, K.; Fike, D. A.; Kirsimae, K.; Jones, C.; Lepland, A. (2022). Testing the global significance of the sulfur isotope record of the ca. 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation: A micro-scale S isotope investigation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 331, 86−104. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.05.021.
Nils-Otto Kitterød; Jens Kværner; Per Aagaard; Jurga Arustienė; Jānis Bikše; Atle Dagestad; Pål Gundersen; Birgitte Hansen; Árni Hjartarson; Enn Karro; Maris Klavins; Andres Marandi; Rasa Radienė; Inga Retike; Pekka M. Rossi; Lærke Thorling (2022). Hydrogeology and groundwater quality in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Hydrology Research, 53 (7), 958−982. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2022.018.
Mänd, Kaarel; Planavsky, Noah J.; Porter, Susannah M.; Robbins, Leslie J.; Wang, Changle; Kreitsmann, Timmu; Paiste, Kärt; Paiste, Päärn; Romashkin, Alexander E.; Deines, Yulia E.; Kirsimäe, Kalle; Lepland, Aivo; Konhauser, Kurt O. (2022). Chromium evidence for protracted oxygenation during the Paleoproterozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584, 117501. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117501.
Paat, R., Kohv, M., Jõeleht, A. (2022). Saturated hydraulic conductivity of boreal peat and its relationships with peat properties and sampling depth. Hydrological Processes, 36(2), e14487. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14487.
Tampuu, T., De Zan, F., Shau, R., Praks, J., Kohv, M., Kull, A. (2022). CAN Bog Breathing be Measured by Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-July. IGARSS, 16−19. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9883421.
Tampuu, T., De Zan, F., Shau, R., Praks, J., Kohv, M., Kull, A. (2022). Reliability of Sentinel-1 InSAR distributed scatterer (DS) time series to estimate the temporal vertical movement of ombrotrophic bog surface. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-238. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2387.