Doctoral defence: Ivo Sibul “Ground-penetrating radar in Estonia: from fieldwork to open data reuse”

On 22 May at 10:15 Ivo Sibul will defend his doctoral thesis “Ground-penetrating radar in Estonia: from fieldwork to open data reuse” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Geology).

Associate Professor Jüri Plado, University of Tartu

Assistant Professor Jānis Karušs, University of Latvia (Latvia)

Ground-penetrating radar is a geophysical device for indirect subsurface studies. Signals transmitted into the ground, and reflected back from different surfaces, allow the construction of continuous cross-sections (radar images). Hence the geological realm, generally known from the boreholes and outcrops, obtains a more consistent perception. The thesis specifies the radar potential in various depositional environments and provides recommendations for its additional applications. Based on the author's experiences and examined references, more intensive radar usage is promoted in two fields – geological mapping and mineral resource estimations. The method can successfully reveal the distribution of peat, sand, gravel, till, carbonate rocks, as well as various deformation structures. Similarly, the tool enables to adjust the mineral resource's spatial extent, quality, and quantity. In more complicated circumstances, the exploration costs can be decreased, whereas the extraction profits may increase with radar engagement. The thesis gives an overview of the Estonian radar surveys. The results of the four case studies are shown in the Estonian Land Board's geoportal. In the coming years, the Land Board will launch the new mapping environment Geo3D. All the radar interpretations are welcome to the Geo3D subsurface module. Larger standardised datasets allow developing machine learning procedures, thus reduce analysis time. Objects identified in the radar images along with other Geo3D open data become valuable inputs for the subsequent geological explorations.

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