Structure and microanalysis lab

Structure and Microanalysis lab includes:

  • X-ray diffraction instrument Bruker Advance D8 equipped with SolX and super-speed LynxEye detectors, Vario1alfa monochromator sustem, capillary and monocap settings for small sample and point analysis, and Anton-Paar'i thermochamber HTK-1200N for material science applications.
  • WDS X-ray fluoresence spectrometer Rigaku Primus II with the mapping capability for major and selected trace element analysis in bulk sample powder or fused bead samples; and handheld XRF Brucer Tracer-5i
  • variable pressure scanning electron microscope Zeiss EVO MA15 with SE, BSE and VPSE3G detectors, the Oxford Aztec EDS X-MAX80 detector, INCA Wave700 WDS and AZtecHKL EBSD system for in situ structure/composition refinement, and Princeton CL spectrometer.

Sample preparation equipment includes jaw-crusher, planetary and micronizing mills, Katanax fluxers for glass-beads, Leica EMRES101 Ion Mill, Leica EM SDC500 High Resolution Sputter, Agar gold and carbon sputters.

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